When we find ourselves in those dark places we frequent in grief, it’s sometimes hard to see a way forward. But for our own wellbeing we need to find something that helps us dig our way out. Cultivating a more positive outlook on life is vital why this quote from Gandhi makes so much sense.
Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviour.
Keep your behaviour positive because your behaviour becomes your habits.
Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values.
Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.
But that’s easier said than done when everything looks black. So, here are several suggestions to help get started.
- Make a list of every positive thing you can think of in your life. Even if it’s just one, it’s a start. You can add to the list later if needed.
- Write your loved one a daily letter. Tell them what your day has been like and what you have done. You will be pleasantly surprised what you actually do achieve. Reading back over these letters in months to come gives you a wonderful insight into your progress.
- Identify what is the worse thing that can happen to you now? Once you’ve identified it figure out three solutions to fix it. Being prepared makes difficult things easier to manage.
- Start a list of the things you have achieved in life. This can be things you have achieved yourself and what you achieved with your partner. It often surprises just what we have done and what we continue to achieve in our lives.
- Find a new hobby. It doesn’t have to be grand just something to focus your attention.
Once we develop the habit of focusing on the positive things in life, it’s surprising how our life looks more bearable. As we continue to practice positive thought we start to enjoy life again.