There comes a time for all of us when we come face-to-face with unbelievable hardships in life. The death of our life partner is the most profound. Sadly, an inevitability of being human. And facing this hardship and dealing with it is something that life’s wisdom gets around to teaching us. It is a very hard lesson to learn but, “bouncing back” is a central part of the human condition.
How we face grief and cope with it is different for all of us, albeit the emotional roller coaster is the same. It takes time to accept the reality of a new life, and fighting grief makes it harder. Something dare I say I learnt the hard way. Not uncommon for those of us who are skilled at dealing with crisis. We are experts at shifting into must do mode and we file the overwhelming emotional side away. At some point that comes back, and we are forced to deal with it. It is at that point we “hit the wall”.
So like the Willow, when we learn to bend with the winds of adversity (grief) that’s the time we learn how to grow again in times of profound change.