This lovely meme was added to our support group today. Many confirmed their commitment to doing that or trying to. It got me thinking. It is important, but do you know what is even more important in my thinking? That is making ourselves feel proud of ourselves.
When we are proud of ourselves we feel more contented, and have a greater passion for life; our self-worth improves. We feel more motivated about ourselves and are better equipped to move toward the goals we have set for ourselves often that is taking control of our lives. An important element of that is having the control to embrace our accomplishments without requiring validation from others.
Edmond Mbiaka expressed it beautifully when he said, “Not too many people could walk a mile in your shoes. Only you know your struggles, challenges and obstacles; so be proud of how far you have come.”
Whilst many face what we have faced each journey is different and no one really knows our struggles as we know them. So by all means make those we love feel proud but more importantly dear ones make yourselves feel proud of yourself. You so deserve to be.