Monday, 18 April 2016

What Fruit Are You?

Have you ever considered what your shopping cart says about you? 

I was in the supermarket yesterday and struck up a conversation with the lady who was on the register. We got around to politics and discovered we were both LNP supporters. During this political exchange she picked up my bag of apples and was trying to identify them. I said, "they are Pink Ladies" to which she replied, "I wouldn't have expected anything else." 

Now you could take the comment several ways. Perhaps she thought what a dill I was, buying Pinks when I could have purchased others as they were much, much cheaper. But Pinks are my favourites. She might have thought I was a snob. You know one those who wouldn't be caught dead buying a good old Iceberg lettuce or an ordinary tomato. As it happens I don't like Icebergs and I am fussy about my toms. Perhaps she was thinking she has a certain je ne sais quoi LMHO. Or, maybe she was just being nice.

I haven’t had a lot to laugh about recently and the exchange did bring a smile to my face. Funny how little things can that. It it reminded me of an executive off-site a few years ago. The discussion got around to the fascinating question,, “If you were a fruit, what would you be?” I suggested I was a pomegranate; complex and sunny with lots of different bits to my toolkit. Various suggestions were made in response. Then my boss suggested I was a pineapple. He described me as spiky but firm (on the outside) and sweet and sunny (in the inside). I rather liked that. I won’t repeat what some suggested about the top, other than to say a few have walked from my office with their knees clenched. 

Back to my Pink Lady definition. I posted the story of my exchange on FB and my quick witted 
nephew came back with , “Lucky you didn’t pick up Granny Smiths.” He wins. 

Sunday, 3 April 2016

A Race To The End

I’ve always searched for lovely images, quotes and lyrics, but since Richard passed away I find myself searching for more. Perhaps it's a quest to find meaning. That I don’t really know, I’m just guessing. But, I have always found that things present themselves just when you need them most. So it is with this.

I have always loved the soundtrack from the Chariots of Fire. Whilst searching for this I stumbled across Russell Watson singing the lyrics to the most famous piece from the movie score. It's called “Race To The End”. Given the circumstances surrounding Richards passing the words seemed fitting. So here they are along with the YouTube link to Russell Watson singing it. I think it's beautiful. Like some many inspiring pieces it touches my soul. The rest I’ll leave to your imagination. I hope you enjoy it.

Race To The End

There is but one freedom
Man running along
Each step that he's taking
A step to his soul
The passion and courage
It takes to be there
The spirit of freedom
Alive in the air
Whenever the running man awakes
To challenge to glory
He knows he can turn the key once more
To unlock the soul

The way becomes clearer
The way is complete
The need, that of winning
Admit no defeat
The circles together
Hold hands to the sky
The freedom of running
The freedom to fly

Whenever the running man awakes
To challenge to glory
He knows he can turn the key once more
To unlock the soul

Let no man surround himself with pain
But use it to free him
The game is to learn to live again
To try to the end
A race to the end
A race to the end
A race to the end